LPGA Master Professional

In order to receive the LPGA Master Professional credential, a research study needs to be conducted with a Thesis of the findings submitted to the LPGA as well as a presentation of the findings delivered to fellow LPGA peers.
The purpose of my study was to examine whether golfers of all ages, skill levels, and learning styles, when given the knowledge, education, and training with regard to understanding and implementing the laws of physics related to golf’s ball flight laws (path) and utilizing a Socratic Method of Instruction would demonstrate increased putting performance, increased putting satisfaction, and express an increased willingness to spend more money in the golf economy.
The results of the study did reveal the Socratic Method of Instruction significantly affected performance.
Empowering participants with the knowledge, education, and training perhaps allowed them to realize self-reliance through their newfound success.
By becoming their own best teachers, participants may be more eager to learn due to the new success!
In simpler terms, when you know the WHAT, HOW and the WHY you then own the information and at that point you can make your golf ball do anything you want it to do on demand!!
“Become Your Own Best Teacher”
A great big THANK YOU! to all the participants involved in making this study a great SUCCESS!